February 24, 2025

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it. Psalm 139:14 NLT

  • Laid end to end, an adult’s blood vessels could circle Earth’s equator four times.
  • Information zooms along nerves at about 400 kmph.
  • The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifespan.
  • Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth.
  • Scientists estimate that the nose can recognize a trillion different scents.
  • The human body produces enough heat in a day to boil 30 gallons of water.
  • Your blood travels around your body about 1,000 times a day.
  • Broken bones can heal.
  • The most expensive digital camera today can capture 400 megapixels, but the human eye can see 576 megapixels.
  • Your brain produces enough electricity to light a small light bulb.
  • Hearing is the fastest human sense. Your brain can recognize a sound 10 times faster than the blink of an eye, in as little as 0.05 seconds.
  • The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifespan. That’s more than 100,000 times per day.
  • Your heart pumps 5.5 liters of blood per minute. So, during an average lifetime, it will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of blood – enough to fill 200 train cars.
  • When you receive information through one of your senses, the signal travels from your nerves to your brain at over 100 miles per hour (160 kph).
  • Your skin can be grafted from one part of your body to grow on another part. It is the human body’s largest organ and is constantly renewing itself.
  • The liver is responsible for more than 500 distinct processes. It is so important that if a person has two-thirds of his or her liver removed as a result of trauma or surgery, it will grow back to its original size in as little as four weeks.
  • Most sacred of all, our bodies have the power to procreate – to create life.

Wow. Amazing. And there’s so much more I could share. Even David, the author of this Psalm, who had no access to the knowledge we have today, couldn’t help but take a simple look at his body and exclaim about the wonderful complexity of it and the marvelous work of God.

Any possession that is costly and irreplaceable, we guard and tend to carefully. How about the marvelous, one-of-a-kind, can’t-be-replaced gift of our bodies?

  • What amazes you most about your body? Thank God for at least three things about your physical body.