Rest – A Gift from God and Worship from Us

Rest – A Gift from God and Worship from Us

February 26, 2025

It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. Psalm 127:2 NLT

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 NLT

It may surprise you to know that all through the Bible, God and His people have seen proper sleep and rest as a way to honor God. The authors speak for God and to God about His “gift and blessing” of sleep and rest. From the very beginning of creation, God gave sleep and rest from work as a way to rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and spirits. There are so many encouraging and helpful principles for our health.

The Sabbath is God’s gift for our worship and health. From the very beginning of creation God rested on the seventh day and gave it to us to disconnect from work and focus on physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal. After the resurrection, the day for Jesus followers changed to Sunday, the first day of the week. Each week it was a day of celebration, a little Easter.

Jesus was the example of how worshipful and absolutely needed this is. Despite the fact that His responsibilities and life were far more demanding than ours, He took time out to rest and sleep, even leaving to go and rest to recharge when people were still looking for and wanting things from Him. He knew the priority and worship of caring for Himself.

Napping when you need it is healthy. There are times for all of us when night sleep is elusive and life is demanding. In those times, naps can be a gift to you and everyone around you. 😊 Sunday afternoon naps were famous in our household. When the disciples were frantically running around on the boat in the storm, Jesus was asleep, unpressured (Mark 4:37-40). Sometimes taking a nap feels irresponsible or unloving, but you know when you truly need rest. Jesus did. You will wake up to productivity as He did.

When you go to bed, turn your cares over to God. Jesus urged us to give our cares to Him because He cares for us (Matthew 11:28-30). He is working on the things that matter to you while you are sleeping. I have a sign on the wall across from my bed that I see every night – GIVE IT TO GOD AND GO TO SLEEP. Tell God, “I know You love me. I am trusting You to handle all my burdens and put me to sleep.”

Create a relaxing bedtime routine that includes prayer, reading Scripture, and quiet reflection. Turn off your devices. Science proves that technology affects your brain and delays sleep. Surrender your anxiety to Him. Perhaps gentle music, sounds of rain falling, or waves will create a backdrop for you to sense the love and care of your Father.

Sleep. You are worshiping while you rest, and HE is working.

  • In our busy world, we brag about our lack of sleep instead of receiving it as a gift from God to help us. How can you better incorporate "Sabbath-like" rest into your life?